Showing posts with label Computer Shorte Course. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Computer Shorte Course. Show all posts

Friday, December 4, 2015

Jameel Noori Nastaleeq Urdu Fonts Free Download


Jameel Noori Nastaleeq Urdu Fonts could be a free and straightforward to put in font developed by UrduJahan.

To install Jameel Noori Nastaleeq Urdu Fonts on your windows simply open board, attend fonts folder, in fonts folder attend file menu and install saved font there.

File Information

File Size:11 MB

File Type : Rar

File Password : faisalgujjar15

Sunday, November 29, 2015

Correl Draw Complete-Training Class

To draw a Straight Line:
  1. Open the Curve flyout
Draw a Straight Line Using Tool
Free Hand tool
Click the Freehand tool . Click where you want to start the line, and click where you want to end it
Polyline tool
Click the Polyline tool. Click where you want to start the line segment, and click where you want to end the line segment. Double-click to end the line.
Bézier tool
click the Bézier tool . Double-click where you want to start the line. Click where you want to end the line. If you want to create a multi-segment line, double-click where you want the new line segment to end. Continue this process until the line has as many segments as you want. Double-click to finish the line.
Pen tool
click the Pen tool . Double-click where you want to start the line. Click where you want to end the line. If you want to create a jagged line, double-click where you want the new line segment to end. Continue this process until the line has as many segments as you want. Double-click to finish the line.

To Draw a Curved Line:
Open the Curve flyout
Draw Curved Lines Using Tool
Free Hand tool
click the Freehand tool  Click where you want to start the curve, and drag to draw the line.
Polyline tool
click the Polyline tool. Click where you want to start the curve, and drag across the drawing page. Double-click to finish the curve.
Bézier tool
click the Bézier tool. Click where you want to place the first node, and drag the control point in the direction you want the curve to bend. Release the mouse button. Position the cursor where you want to place the next node, and drag the control point to create the curve you want. Double-click to finish the curve.
Pen tool
click the Pen tool. Click where you want to place the first node, and drag the control point in the direction you want the curve to bend. Release the mouse button. Position the cursor where you want to place the next node, and drag the control point to create the curve you want. Double-click to finish the curve.
Preview a line using the Pen tool
Click the Preview mode button in the property bar. Click on the drawing page, and release the mouse button. Move the mouse and click to finish the curve.

To Draw a Calligraphic Line:
  1. Open the Curve flyout , and click the Artistic media tool.

  1. Click the Calligraphic button on the property bar.
  2. Type a value in the Calligraphic angle box on the property bar.

If you want to smooth the edges of the line, type a value in the Freehand smoothing box on the property bar.
  1. Drag until the line is the shape you want.
If you want to set the width of the line, type a value in the Artistic media tool width box on the property bar.
To draw a Pressure-Sensitive Line:
  1. Open the Curve flyout, and click the Artistic media tool .
  2. Click the Pressure  button on the property bar.
If you want to smooth the edges of the line, type a value in the Freehand smoothing box on the property bar.
  1. Drag until the line is the shape you want.
If you want to change the width of the line, type a value in the Artistic media tool width box on the property bar

To Specify Line and Outline Settings:

  1. Select an object.
  2. Open the Outline tool flyout, and click the Outline pen dialog button .
  3. Specify the settings you want.
Line Style
Create a line style
Click Edit style, and move the slider in the Edit line style dialog box. By clicking the boxes to the left of the slider, you can specify the placement and frequency of the dots in the new line style you create.
Edit a line style
Choose a line style from the Style list box, and click Edit style. Create a line style in the Edit line style dialog box, and click Replace.

To Copy Outline Color to another Object:

  1. Open the Eyedropper flyout , and click the Eyedropper tool.
  2. Choose Object attributes from the list box on the property bar.

  1. Click the Properties flyout on the property bar, and enable the Outline check box.
  2. Click the edge of the object whose outline you want to copy.
  3. Open the Eyedropper flyout, and click the Paintbucket tool .
  4. Click the edge of the object to which you want to copy the outline.

To Convert an Outline to an Object:

  1. Select an object.
  2. Click Arrange à Convert outline to object.

Applying Brush Strokes:

CorelDRAW lets you apply a variety of preset brush strokes, ranging from strokes with arrowheads to ones that are filled with rainbow patterns.

To Spray a Line:

  1. Open the Curve flyout , and click the Artistic media tool .
  2. Click the Sprayer button on the property bar.

  1. Choose a spraylist from the Spraylist file list box on the property bar.

If the spraylist you want is not listed, click the Browse button on the property bar to select the folder in which the file is located.
  1. Drag to draw the line.
Adjust the number of objects sprayed at each spacing point
Type a number in the top box of the Dabs/spacing of objects to be sprayed box on the property bar.
Adjust the spacing between tabs
Type a number in the bottom box of the Dabs/spacing of objects to be sprayed box on the property bar.
Set the spray order
Choose a spray order from the Choice of spray order list box on the property bar.
Adjust the size of spray objects
Type a number in the top box of the Size of objects to be sprayed box on the property bar.
Increase or decrease the size of the spray objects as they progress along the line
Type a number in the bottom box of the Size of objects to be sprayed box on the property bar.
Reset a spraylist to its saved settings
Click the Reset values button on the property bar.

Drawing Flow and Dimension Lines:

You can draw flow lines in flowcharts and organizational charts to connect chart shapes. Objects stay connected by these lines even when you move one or both objects
You can draw callout lines that label and draw attention to objects.

You can also draw dimension lines to indicate the distance between two points in a drawing or the size of objects. Dimension lines and the measurements shown on the lines change with an object. You can also set how dimension lines are displayed.

To Draw a Dimension Line:
Dimension lines can show the sizes of parts of an object.
  1. Open the Curve flyout , and click the Dimension tool .
  2. On the property bar, click one of the following buttons:

    • Vertical dimension tool
    • Horizontal dimension tool
    • Slanted dimension tool
  1. Click the start and end points of the dimension line.

Click where you want to place the dimension text.

Wednesday, October 21, 2015

Corel Draw Complete Training Class 2

The Zoom Property Bar:

Color Palettes:

A collection of solid colors from which you can choose colors for fills and outlines. The colorful row of boxes on the right of the screen is the Color Palette. CorelDRAW comes with 19 color systems and gives you the ability to create your own palette.

Changing the View:

Working with Lines, Outlines, and Brush Strokes:

CorelDRAW lets you add lines and brush strokes using a variety of techniques and tools.

Drawing Lines:

CorelDRAW lets you draw all kinds of different lines, from curved or straight lines to calligraphic lines.

You can draw a curved line by
specifying its width (left), specifying its height (center), and clicking the page (right).

You can draw multi-segment lines using the Bézier tool , by clicking each time you want the line to change direction 

You can draw curves using the Bézier tool, by dragging the control points at the ends of the Bézier curve

Wednesday, October 7, 2015

Corel Draw 12 Complete Training Class1

Introduction of Corel Draw 12

Corel draw is graphics application that is used to design advertisement, logo, cads, broachers, newsletters, banners, images, and so on, for print or for web.
An artwork developed in CorelDraw is referred as a drawing. Each component created in a drawing such as line, text, curve, symbols or image is referred as an object. Each object in a drawing stores its own attributes, such as shape, size, position, and color. The drawings can be modified without affecting drawing quality.

Types of Digital Images:

Computer graphics comes in two main types

Raster Images (Photo Realistic):

Raster images also known as Bit-mapped images are made up of a mosaic of picture elements, called Pixels. A pixel is the smallest unit of composition in an image. When raster images stored, the information contained in each pixel is stored separately, which increases the file size?
When raster images enlarged, their edges appear rough and jagged.
Raster images are realistic and manipulate-able (each pixel can be edited on an individual basis)

 Vector Images:

The images consist of lines and curves that are defined mathematical objects are called vector images. Vector images can alter to large size without making their edges rough or jagged. Vector images are ideal for web pages because they are small in size, and so they download faster than raster images.
Vector based images commonly used in Computer Aided Drawings (CAD), and digital drawing software.

Corel Draw an Overview:

Corel DRAW is a vector graphics editor developed and marketed by Corel Corporation of Ottawa, Canada. It is also the name of Corel's Graphics Suite
In 1997, Corel hired software engineers Michel Bouillon and Pat Beirne to develop a vector-based illustration program to bundle with their desktop publishing systems. That program, CorelDRAW, was initially released in 1999. CorelDRAW 1.x and 2.x runs under Windows 2.x and 3.0. CorelDRAW 3.0 came into its own with Microsoft's release of Windows 3.1.

Version 2
Version 9
Version 3
Version 10
Version 4
Version 11
Version 5
Version 12
Version 6
Version X3 (13)
Version 7
Version X4 (14)
Version 9
Version X5 (15)

Opening Corel Draw:

  1. Click on Start button.
  2. Click on All Program.
  3. Click on Corel Draw program.

 The Interface

It will open the Corel Draw 12 Window.
Click on New.

A view of Tool Box Bar
Grid & Ruler Setting

The grid is a series of intersecting dashed lines or dots that you can use to precisely align and position objects in the drawing window.
The distance between the grid lines or dots can be set by specifying the frequency or spacing.
Frequency refers to the number of lines or dots that display between each horizontal and vertical unit. Spacing refers to the exact distance between each line or dot. High frequency values or low spacing values can help you align and position objects more precisely.
To set the distance between the grid lines
  1. Click View à Grid and ruler setup.
  2. Enable one of the following options:
    • Frequency — specifies grid spacing as the number of lines per unit of measure
    • Spacing — specifies grid spacing as the distance between each grid line
  3. Type values in the following boxes:
    • Horizontal or  Vertical
Snap to Grid:
To force an object that is being drawn or moved to align automatically to a point on the grid, a guideline, or another object.
  1. Click Viewà Snap to objects setup
  2. In the Snapping modes area, enable one or more of the mode check boxes.
If you want to enable all snapping modes, click Select all.
If you want to disable all snapping modes, but without turning off snapping, click Deselect all.
  1. Choose one of the following snapping options from the Snapping threshold list box:
    • Low — activates a snap point when it is four screen pixels away from the pointer
    • Medium — activates a snap point when it is eight screen pixels away from the pointer
High — activates a snap point when it is sixteen screen pixels away from the pointer

Friday, September 11, 2015

Microsoft Office 2010 Installation class 4

 Office 2010 System Requirements

In keeping with green efforts to maximize efficiency on systems users already have, Office2010 was designed for any system capable of running Office 2007. Here are the suggestedsystem requirements for Office 2010:
¨      Computer and processor: 500-MHz processor or higher.
¨      Memory: 256 MB (megabytes) of RAM or more.
¨      Hard disk space: 2 GB (gigabytes)*.
¨      Drive: CD-ROM or DVD drive.
¨      Display: 1024 by 768 or higher resolution monitor.
¨      Operating system: Windows XP SP3 (32-bit), Windows Vista SP1 (32-bit or 64-bit), Windows 7 (32-bit or 64-bit), Windows Server 2003 R2 withSP2 (32-bit or 64-bit),or Windows Server 2008 with SP1 (32-bit or 64-bit). Terminal Server and Windows onWindows (WOW) are also supported. **
* Part of the used hard disk space can be released after installation is complete.
** WOW allows users to install 32-bit Office 2010 on 64-bit systems.
Microsoft Office 2010 includes essential productivity apps such as Word, Excel, PowerPoint, and more. It is available in both Home and Student as well as Professional packages. The products included in these packages differ, but the installation process is the same. Follow this guide to get Office running on your computer with minimal fuss.
Step 1
Uninstall any old versions of Office. Keeping any older versions of Office installed can cause errors and problems with your files.
Ø  To remove old installations, Open the Control Panel, select Programs and Features (Windows Vista, 7, 8), or Add/Remove Programs (Windows XP).
Ø  Wait for the list to load and then select your old Office installation. Click the Uninstall/Remove button and wait for the uninstallation process to finish before installing Office 2010.
Step 2:
Insert your Office 2010 DVD.
Alternatively, open the downloaded Setup file that you received when you purchased Office 2010 online. Either method will follow the same steps.
Step 3:
Enter the Product Key. This is the 25-character key found on the packaging that your Office 2010 came in. If you purchased online, the key will be displayed in the order confirmation window.
·         You do not need to enter the dashes in between groups of characters
Step 4: 
Accept the License Terms. In order to proceed with the installation, you need to check the box indicating that you have read and agree to Microsoft’s terms of use.

Step 5:
Choose your installation. Clicking Install Now will install all of the Office products included in the version that you purchased. Office will be installed to your default hard drive (the same that Windows is installed on).
·         Choose Customize to specify which products you want to install. For example, if you never use Excel and just need Word, use Customize to disable the Excel installation. You can also use the Customize option to install Office to a different location on your computer.

Step 6:
Wait for installation to complete. Once you have chosen your installation options, Office will be automatically installed. The amount of time this takes will vary depending on the version you are installing and the speed of your computer.
Once Office is finished installing, you can access each of the individual Office programs from the Start menu.

Note: Additional software may be installed as per requirement of curriculum and local VTI.

Installation of Windows 7 class 3

Minimum supported system requirements:
1 gigahertz (GHz) or faster 32-bit (x86) or 64-bit (x64) processor
System Memory
1 gigabyte (GB) RAM (32-bit) or 2 GB RAM (64-bit)
DirectX 9 graphics device with WDDM 1.0 or higher driver
16 GB available hard disk space (32-bit) or 20 GB (64-bit)

Windows 7 installation process

Step 1:Put the DVD in to the drive and you will see standard windows setup screen i.e “Windows is loading files”.
Step 2:After a few screens, you will see “Install Windows” Screenwill appear in which we can inter i) the place and language you speak. ii) Then press next.
Step 3:PressInstall Now button, on next screen
Step 4:Accept the license Agreement by checking the box on and click next.
Step 5:Choose Custom Advanced install as the Upgrade option is grayed, because it will be available if you start the setup from within your current version of Windows.

Step 6:Next screen will ask “where to install the operating system”? Choose the installation partition. (Since this computer has a new hard drive that hasn't been formatted before, you will only have the option to create a new partition on it).

Step 7:Press next and setup start copying necessary files.
Step 8:After necessary files extraction, setup will restart the system and continues installation by starting its services.

Step 9:After few screens, you will be prompted to enter Username & Password being first user on the computer.
Step 10:Windows 7 installations asks for the product key after Windows is installed, you can hit next without putting in a product key, and this will install Windows 7 in a 30 day trial mode.

Step 11:Windows 7 needs to know what time it is! Enter the time, just set your time zone and date.
Step 12:Picking the network location, Windows 7 wants to know where you are, this determines how the OS will set file sharing and network discovery settings.
Finally Windows 7 desktop is here ready to go.
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