Showing posts with label Urdu Inpage Complete Training. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Urdu Inpage Complete Training. Show all posts

Friday, December 4, 2015

Jameel Noori Nastaleeq Urdu Fonts Free Download


Jameel Noori Nastaleeq Urdu Fonts could be a free and straightforward to put in font developed by UrduJahan.

To install Jameel Noori Nastaleeq Urdu Fonts on your windows simply open board, attend fonts folder, in fonts folder attend file menu and install saved font there.

File Information

File Size:11 MB

File Type : Rar

File Password : faisalgujjar15

Friday, October 2, 2015

Urdu Inpage Complete Training Class 4

Special Symbols

You can also add any symbol in your urdu text.
Click Symbols from Menu bar and select your desired symbol from that drop down list as shown in the figure, symbol will get added to your text.

Using ZOOM

If you want to see your typed text a bit larger than its original size then you can use ZOOM by pressing F8 from keyboard it will get double the size at 200%. Pressing F7, F6 and F5 you can review your text size in different other ratios. These options are also available in VIEW Menu

Working with tablesusingInpage

Usually tables have been created in companies and banks very often, like word Inpage also provide you the option to create tables.You can add table in your Inpage document.
  • Place the cursor where you want to draw table.
  • Click Insert Menu then clickTableoption you will see a dialog box as shown below.(minimum column width is 0.25” and maximum 20 inches)
  • Type number of ROWS and Columns as you need. Then press OK.

Table Format

This dialog enables you to format the table in terms of Cell Width, Cell Fill Color, Cell Border and Indents within the Cell.
Fill Color: You can select the cells of the table and specify their fill color. The fill color gets applied to the selected cells.
Border: You can specify the border of all cells in the currently selected table as  follows.
Color: Allows you to select the color of the border from the list of colors combo box.
Style: Style of the border in terms of document wide line patterns Solid, Dotted, Dashed, etc.
Width: Thickness of the border line.
Cell Order:
Left To Right: Click this option if you wish to keep the flow of text from Left To Right.
Right to Left: Click this option if you wish to keep the flow of text from Right To Left.
Width and Gap: This allows you to modify column widths of the selected columns.
Indents: You can specify the amount of indent within the Cell.
Alignment: Choose the text alignment within the cell is on the Left, Right or Centered.

Table Layout

The Table Layout dialog allows you to carry out the following operations
Row: Allows you to insert/delete a row before or after the current row.
Column: Allows you to insert/delete a column before or after the currently selected column.
Split or Merge Cells: Merges the currently selected cells of the table. For cells merged with the previous merge command, this command enables you to split the cell.

Deleting Row or Column

·         Select the Column or Row, which you want to delete.
·         Click Format Menu then Click Table Layout.
·        Click the delete button as shown in the picture given below.

Converting Table into Text

Composing Poetry using Urdu Inpage

·         Click Insert Menu select Table option
·         Type the following material as shown in the box and follow the instruction on next page to complete this activity.

Object Formatting
·         Select any object first.
·         Click Format Menu Click Object you will see the following box as shown in picture
·         Through this dialog box you can set object values, height, width and its color.

Formatting Page

  • Select the whole page
  • Click Format Menu, a dialog box will appear as shown  below in box
  • Page option, where you can set the size of page, Like Letter, A4 or Legal size paper.
  • Orientation option,  where you can select Portrait or Landscape style for your page
  • Margins option, where you can adjust the margins for page.
  • Columns option, it is used to set how many columns do you need on this page.

Run Around

Whenever an object overlaps a Text Box with text, then the text tends to flow away from this overlapping object. The amount by which the text flows away can be specified by specifying the Run Around amount.
The text wrap attribute of the text chain should be set to on for the runaround to occur.

Text Inset

You can inset the text inside a Text Box along left, right, top and bottom directions so that the text now appears in smaller bounds inset from the Text Box boundary. This is particularly useful for Text Box framed with a border.


You can specify the number of columns and the gutter size for a selected text box. By default, a text box is assumed to be of single column.

Sunday, September 20, 2015

Urdu Inpage Complete Trianing Class 3

Inserting Pictures in Inpage Document

Graphic Boxes

The Graphic Box enables you to draw a box with a specified border and a specified fill color. A graphic box is constructed in the standard way of first selecting the Picture Box Tool, clicking in the Document Area, dragging the mouse with mouse pressed and then leaving the mouse when the requisite dimensions have been achieved. A selected graphic box with eight handles now appears. By default, the graphic box has a black border of 1 point, does not have a fill color and the runaround of the box is also set to none.
You have the option to construct one of the following three types of graphic boxes

Graphic box Creation

To create a Graphic box first select one of the three Graphics box Tools. Now you can create a Graphic box in the following two ways

With Mouse

  • Click in the Document Area, drag the mouse with mouse button pressed.
  • If you want to create square Graphic box keep the SHIFT pressed while dragging the mouse.
  • Release the mouse button when the requisite dimensions of the Graphic box have been achieved.

With Graphic box object Ribbon

  • A Graphic box object ribbon appears with its dimensions appearing as blank.
  • Enter the left-top (or right top for right to left documents) and width and height dimensions of the required Graphic box.
  • Press Enter.
Line Tool

You can draw the line in your document in different angles & to change the width of line. You may change the color of the line and select the line pattern and to move & resize it.

Creating a Line

Select the Line Tool from the Tools Bar. Now click with the CROSS cursor in the document Area and while keeping the mouse pressed, drag the mouse. The Ribbon shows the two end points of the line. In the normal mode, you can draw orthogonal lines. That is you can draw horizontal, vertical or lines at 45 degrees. For a horizontal straight line, move the mouse horizontally. For a vertical straight line, move the mouse vertically. If a 45 degree line is required, move the mouse such that the amount of movement both horizontally and vertically is same.

Drawing Line at Any Angle

  • To draw lines at any angle, keep the SHIFT key pressed while creating or resizing the line.

Changing the Width of the Line

  • First select the line. Enter the new value in the Width field of the ribbon and press enter/return.

Changing the Color of the line

  • After having selected the line, select the Fill Color from the Fill Color combo box.

Selecting a Line Pattern

  • You can choose the kind of line patterns desired from the Line Pattern combo box. The patterns that you can select are:

Solid                      Dotted

Dashed                  Dash DottedDouble                  Thick ThinThin                       Thick

Polygon Tool

We use polygon tool to draw any desired shape. You draw a rectangular box by this tool and then modify the box in any shape with arrow tool.
  • Select the polygon tool and click the cross mouse pointer in the document area and while keeping the mouse pressed, drag the mouse.
  • Select the selection tool and select the shape.
  • Bring the mouse pointer over the line until it becomes a cross shape
  • Hold down the mouse button and drag it to the desired location
  • The shape will changed.

Text Chain

Text Boxes can be linked in a chain so as to allow the text to flow from one Text Box into another. A Text Box can be linked to an existing Text Box in two ways.
Linking Text Boxes
First select the Linking Tool. This will display all the textboxes with its inlink and outlink. Inlink is either marked cross(X) i.e. this text box is the first box in this text chain or there is an incoming arrow from the linked textbox. Outlink is again either marked cross i.e. this textbox is the last textbox in the chain or it has an outgoing arrow and points to the textbox it is linked to.
When you wish to link two unlinked textboxes, you need to follow these steps—
  • Click on the first textbox.
  • At this point the outer boundary of this textbox will start blinking.
  • Now click on the second textbox.
  • An arrow drawn from first to second textbox will signify that the textboxes have been linked.

Master Page

You can go to a Master Page by clicking on the Master Page icon in the Status Bar. If your document is double sided then you will see two master pages. On the other hand if your document is single sided then you will see only one master page. The objects that are create on the master pages appear on the corresponding document pages.
If the master object is modified on the master page, then this change is reflected in this master object on all the other document pages. If the master object is modified on a document page then only that master object on that document page is modified.
You can enter text into a Title text box on a master page. You can not enter text in Text box. If you draw a title text box and enter text in Master page then this text will appear in all pages of document and user cannot change this text on document page. If you draw a Textbox on Master Page then user can enter data in that textbox on document page only. You can enter Page number in title text box on master document using page number option in insert menu.

Story Editor

Whenever you wants to type compose or work on a book with urdutext you should click this option available in Edit Menu ->Story Editor or you can also press F2. When you click on this option you will see all of your typed text font size will adjust to 12. Also the font style will get same for all your text, when you get finishedwith typing again pressF2 to reset the editor to its default look where you again can see the tools.

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